Trampoline Club Records current member national team Austria Most Twists in 1 Element: 5,5 twists best routine: 44,0 points most consecutive Backflips : 188 flips most difficult routine (u18) : 8.2 points most consecutive rudys: 9 highest time of flight (u18): 18.93 sec most difficult element (u18): 803< most consecutive codys: 16 consecutive flips with increasing half-twists: 40-41-42-43-44-45 current member national team Austria Most Twists in 1 Element: 5 twists best routine: 44,0 points most consecutive Backflips : 188 flips most difficult routine (u18) : 8.2 points most consecutive rudys: 9 highest time of flight (u18): 18.93 sec most difficult element (u18): 803< most consecutive codys: 16 consecutive flips with increasing half-twists: 40-41-42-43-44-45